Friday, 27 March 2015
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Example of narrative text
1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
There was once a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was lonely for him watching the sheep all day. No one was near, except for three farmers he could sometimes see working in the fi elds in the valley below.
One day the boy thought of a plan that would help him get a little company and have some fun. He ran down toward the valley crying, “Wolf! Wolf!”
The men ran to meet him, and after they found out there was no wolf after all, one man remained to talk with the boy awhile.
The boy enjoyed the company so much that a few days later he tried the same prank again, and again the men ran to help him.
A few days later, a real wolf came from the forest and began to steal the sheep. The startled boy ran toward the valley, and more loudly than ever he cried, “Wolf! Wolf!”
But the men, who had been fooled twice before, thought that the boy was tricking them again. So no one came to help the boy save his sheep.
Moral: If you often don’t tell the truth, people won’t believe you even when you are telling the truth.
Pemuda yang Beteriak Serigala
Suatu ketika, ada penggembala muda yang menggembala domba-dombanya di kaki gunung dekat hutan gelap. Sungguh sangat kesepian baginya melihat domba sepanjang hari. Tidak ada yang dekat, kecuali tiga petani yang kadang-kadang ia bisa melihat bekerja di sawah di bawah lembah.
Suatu hari anak itu memikirkan rencana yang akan membantunya mendapatkan teman dan bersenang-senang. Dia berlari ke arah lembah berteriak, "Serigala! Serigala! "
Orang-orang pun berlari untuk menemui dia, dan setelah mereka mencari tahu tidak ada serigala sama sekali, satu orang masih berbicara dengan anak sejenak.
Anak itu sangat menikmati pertemanan tersebut sehingga beberapa hari kemudian ia mencoba tipuan yang sama lagi, dan lagi orang-orang berlari untuk membantunya.
Beberapa hari kemudian, serigala sungguhan datang dari hutan dan mulai mencuri domba. Terkejut anak itu berlari ke arah lembah dan ia berteriak lebih keras dari sebelumnya, "Serigala! Serigala! "
Tapi orang-orang yang telah tertipu dua kali sebelumnya tersebut berpikir bahwa anak itu menipu mereka lagi. Jadi tidak ada yang datang untuk membantu anak itu menyelamatkan domba-dombanya.
Moral: Jika kamu sering tidak berkata jujur, orang tidak mempercai kamu bahkan ketika kamu mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya.
2. The Goose and The Golden Eggs
Once a farmer went to the nest of his goose and found there an egg, all yellow and shiny. When he picked it up, it was heavy as a rock. He was about to throw it away because he thought that someone was playing a trick on him. But on second thought, he took it home, and discovered to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold!
He sold the egg for a lot of money. Every morning the goose laid another golden egg, and the farmer soon became rich by selling the eggs.
As he grew rich, he also grew greedy. “Why should I have to wait to get only one egg a day?” he thought. “I will cut open the goose and take all the eggs out of her at once.”
When the goose heard the farmer’s plan, she fl ew away to a nearby farm. So when the farmer came out the next day, do you know what he found in the goose’s nest? Nothing.
Moral: Someone who wants more often loses all. When you want something, be patient. If you are greedy, you might lose what you already have.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
contoh makalah olahraga bab atletik
Bab 1
1. Latar
Cabang Atletik adalah ibu jari atau sebagian besar cabang olahraga ,
dimana gerakan gerakan yang ada di dalam atletik seperti : lari,loncat,lompat
dan lempar sebagian besar ada pada olharga lainnya,sehingga tak heran
pemerintah menetapkan cabang olhraga atletik sebagai pembhasan di dalam mata pelajaran
di bidang study study sekolah dari sekolah dasar sampai sekolah menengah atas.
Nomor yang diperlombakan dalam atletik ada beberapa macam, diantaranya
adalah lari, lempar, lompat, dan tolak.Nomor lari jarak pendek adalah 100, 200,
400 m, sedangkan jarak menengah yang dilombakan adalah 800 m dan 1500 m. Untuk
jarak jauh adalah 300, 5000, 10000 m, dan marathon (42,195 km).
untuk lempar adalah lempar cakram, lempar martil, untuk tolak adalah tolak
peluru, dan lompat adalah lompat jauh, lompat tinggi, lompat galah, lompat
Dalam perlombaan lari jarak menengah, pelari menggunakan start melayang. Yang bukan merupakan faktor penting dalam berlatih lari jarak menengah adalah gaya. Lebar lintasan lempar lembing adalah 4 meter.
Dalam perlombaan lari jarak menengah, pelari menggunakan start melayang. Yang bukan merupakan faktor penting dalam berlatih lari jarak menengah adalah gaya. Lebar lintasan lempar lembing adalah 4 meter.
Dengan mempelajari
cabang olahrga atletik ini di harapkan siswa-siswi tidak hanya mengikuti pola
hidup sehat tetapi bias mengembangkan minat dan potensi diri di dalam atletik
itu sendiri.
1. Tujuan Penulisan
susun makalah ini supaya bertujuan memudahkan atau memberikan informasi lebih
dalam olahraga atletik itu sendiri. Dan salah satu tujuan nya adalah untuk
memenuhi tugas di dalam mata pelajran pendidikan jasmani oleg guru.
Bab 2 Pembahasan
adalah cabang olahraga yang mendasari dari semua cabang olargara yang lain,
Atletik mempunyai karakteristik gerakan yang paling dasar yang menjadi
kebiasaan kita sehari-hari seperti contoh : Berjalan, berlari, melompat dan
melempar. Gerakan-gerakan tersebut adalah gerakan alami.
Melihat dari
hal diatas jadi sewajarnya apabila Atletik menjadi Induk dari semua cabang
olahraga, karena dicabang cabang lain sudah mengandung unsur-unsur gerakan pada
Kata ini berasal dari bahasa Yunani "athlon" yang berarti "kontes". Atletik
merupakan cabang olahraga yang diperlombakan pada olimpiade pertama pada 776 SM. Induk organisasi untuk olahraga
atletik di Indonesia adalah PASI (Persatuan Atletik Seluruh Indonesia).
lari :
- Jarak pendek
- Jarak Menengah
- jarak Jauh.
- Halang Rintang
- Estafet
1.Lari Jarak Pendek
Lari jarak pendek adalah
berlari dengan kecepatan penuh sepanjang jarak yang harus ditempuh, atau sampai
jarak yang telah ditentukan.
Lari jarak pendek terdiri dari lari 100 m, 200 m, 400 m. secara teknis sama. yang membedakan hanyalah pada penghematan penggunaan tenaga, karena perbedaan jarak yang harus ditempuh. Makin jauh jarak yang harus ditempuh makin banyak tenaga yang harus dibutuhkan.
Lari jarak pendek terdiri dari lari 100 m, 200 m, 400 m. secara teknis sama. yang membedakan hanyalah pada penghematan penggunaan tenaga, karena perbedaan jarak yang harus ditempuh. Makin jauh jarak yang harus ditempuh makin banyak tenaga yang harus dibutuhkan.
Gerakan lari
jarak pendek dibagi menjadi tiga tahap ialah: star, gerakan lari cepat
(sprint), gerakan finis.
Dalam perlombaan lari, ada tiga cara star, ialah :
- star berdiri (standing start)
- star jongkok (crouching start)
- start melayang (flying start) dilakukan hanya untuk pelari ke II, III dan IV dalam lari estapet 4 x 100 m.
Dalam perlombaan lari, ada tiga cara star, ialah :
- star berdiri (standing start)
- star jongkok (crouching start)
- start melayang (flying start) dilakukan hanya untuk pelari ke II, III dan IV dalam lari estapet 4 x 100 m.
2.Lari Jarak
Gerak lari
jarak menengah (800 m- 1500 m) dan sedikit berbeda dengan gerakan lari jarak
pendek .terletak pada cara kaki menapak. Lari jarak menengah, kaki menapak ball
hell-ball, ialah menapakkan pada ujung kaki tumit dan menolak dengan ujung
kaki. Star dikakukan dengan cara berdiri.
Yang perlu diperhatikan pada lari jarak menengah:
>>badan harus selalu rilaks atau santai.
>>Lengan diayun dan tidak terlalu tinggi seperti pada lari jarak pendek
>>Badan condong ke depan kia-kira 15º dari garis vertical.
>>Panjang langkah tetap dan lebar tekanan pada ayunan paha ke depan, panjang langkah harus sesuai dengan panjang tungkai. Angkat lutut cukup tinggi (tidak setinggi lari jarak pendek).
Yang perlu diperhatikan pada lari jarak menengah:
>>badan harus selalu rilaks atau santai.
>>Lengan diayun dan tidak terlalu tinggi seperti pada lari jarak pendek
>>Badan condong ke depan kia-kira 15º dari garis vertical.
>>Panjang langkah tetap dan lebar tekanan pada ayunan paha ke depan, panjang langkah harus sesuai dengan panjang tungkai. Angkat lutut cukup tinggi (tidak setinggi lari jarak pendek).
terhadap kecepatan lari (pace) dan kondisi fisik serta daya tahan tubuh yang
Dalam lari jarak menengah gerakan lari harus dilakukan dengan sewajarnya, kaki diayunkan ke depan seenaknya, panjang langkah tidak terlalu dipaksakan kecuali menjelang masuk garis finis.
Dalam lari jarak menengah gerakan lari harus dilakukan dengan sewajarnya, kaki diayunkan ke depan seenaknya, panjang langkah tidak terlalu dipaksakan kecuali menjelang masuk garis finis.
3.Lari Jarak
Lari jarak jauh dilakukan
dalam lintasan stadion jarak 3000m, ke atas, 5000m, 10.000m, sedangkan marathon
dan juga cross-country, harus dilakukan diluar stadion kecuali star dan finis,
secara fisik dan mental merupakan keharusan bagi pelari jarak jauh. Ayunan
lengan dan gerakan kaki dilakuakan seringan-ringannya. Makin jauh jarak lari
yang ditempuh makin rendah lutut diangkat dan langkah juga makin kecil.
Halang Rintang
Lari steeple
– chase 3000 m termasuk kedalam lari jarak jauh dengan melalui
itu ada dua macam;
1.Rintangan Gawang
2.Rintangan Air dengan Gawang didepannya (water jump)
Pelari steeple – chase harus memiliki kecepatan seperti pelari 1500m, tetapi juga harus memiliki daya tahan seperti pelari 5000 meter, dan harus memiliki kemahiran khusus dalam melewati rintangan-rintangan tersebut.
Cara untuk melampaui rintangan gawang yang banyak digunakan adalah :
(a)Seperti lari gawang biasa,
(b)Melampaui gawang dengan menginjakkan sebelah kaki di atas gawang.
A.Cara Lari Gawang Biasa
1.Cara seperti lari gawang biasa banyak digunakan oleh pelari-pelari yang memang memiliki kemahiran dalam lari gawang dan oleh pelari-pelari yang jangkung yang dengan mudah dapat melangkahi rintangan gawang. Yang penting adalah setelah pelari melampaui gawang dapat menjaga keseimbangan sebaik-baiknya untuk melanjutkan larinya. Sangat dianjurkan agar dapat bertumpu dengan kaki manapun.
B.Cara untuk melampaui rintangan air pada garis besarnya adalah sebagai berikut :
a.Bertumpu dari titik setengah meter di muka gawang rintangan air. Lalu melompat ke atas atas depan, setelah kakinya menapak di atas gawang pada ujung kaki.
b.Badan harus dibawa ke muka kaki, kaki yang bertumpu pada gawang menolak sekuatnya, kaki lainnya diayunkan ke depan sejauh-jauhnya, dan badan masih dalam sikap sedikit condong ke depan, sehingga menjadi gerakan melompat.
c.Pada saat melayang, tangan digunakan untuk menjaga keseimbangan badan dan kaki tumpu melakukan gerakan permulaan untuk persiapan melangkah waktu kaki ayun mendarat.
d.Mendarat dengan kaki ayun sejauh mungkin mencapai ujung bak air, dan sedikit mungkin masuk dalam air. Kaki yang mendarat sedikit di tekuk, dan badan tetap dalam keadaan sedikit condong ke depan. Kaki lainnya diangkat untuk melangkah ke depan.
1.Rintangan Gawang
2.Rintangan Air dengan Gawang didepannya (water jump)
Pelari steeple – chase harus memiliki kecepatan seperti pelari 1500m, tetapi juga harus memiliki daya tahan seperti pelari 5000 meter, dan harus memiliki kemahiran khusus dalam melewati rintangan-rintangan tersebut.
Cara untuk melampaui rintangan gawang yang banyak digunakan adalah :
(a)Seperti lari gawang biasa,
(b)Melampaui gawang dengan menginjakkan sebelah kaki di atas gawang.
A.Cara Lari Gawang Biasa
1.Cara seperti lari gawang biasa banyak digunakan oleh pelari-pelari yang memang memiliki kemahiran dalam lari gawang dan oleh pelari-pelari yang jangkung yang dengan mudah dapat melangkahi rintangan gawang. Yang penting adalah setelah pelari melampaui gawang dapat menjaga keseimbangan sebaik-baiknya untuk melanjutkan larinya. Sangat dianjurkan agar dapat bertumpu dengan kaki manapun.
B.Cara untuk melampaui rintangan air pada garis besarnya adalah sebagai berikut :
a.Bertumpu dari titik setengah meter di muka gawang rintangan air. Lalu melompat ke atas atas depan, setelah kakinya menapak di atas gawang pada ujung kaki.
b.Badan harus dibawa ke muka kaki, kaki yang bertumpu pada gawang menolak sekuatnya, kaki lainnya diayunkan ke depan sejauh-jauhnya, dan badan masih dalam sikap sedikit condong ke depan, sehingga menjadi gerakan melompat.
c.Pada saat melayang, tangan digunakan untuk menjaga keseimbangan badan dan kaki tumpu melakukan gerakan permulaan untuk persiapan melangkah waktu kaki ayun mendarat.
d.Mendarat dengan kaki ayun sejauh mungkin mencapai ujung bak air, dan sedikit mungkin masuk dalam air. Kaki yang mendarat sedikit di tekuk, dan badan tetap dalam keadaan sedikit condong ke depan. Kaki lainnya diangkat untuk melangkah ke depan.
5.Lari Estafet
Lari sambung atau lari
estafet adalah salah satu lomba lari pada perlombaan atletik yang dilaksanakan secara bergantian
atau beranting. Dalam satu regu lari sambung terdapat empat orang pelari, yaitu
pelari pertama, kedua, ketiga, dan keempat. Pada nomor lari sambung ada
kekhususan yang tidak akan dijumpai pada nomor pelari lain, yaitu memindahkan
tongkat sambil berlari cepat dari pelari sebelumnya ke pelari berikutnya.
Nomor lari
estafet yang sering diperlombakan adalah nomor 4 x 100 meter dan nomor 4 x 400
meter. Dalam melakukan lari sambung bukan teknik saja yang diperlukan tetapi
pemberian dan penerimaan tongkat di zona atau daerah pergantian serta
penyesuaian jarak dan kecepatan dari setiap pelari.
Macam-macam lopat :
Macam-macam lopat :
Lompat Tinggi adalah salah satu keterampilan
untuk melewati mistar yang berada di kedua tiangnya.Ketinggian lompatan yang
dicapai oleh seorang pelompat tergantung dari kemampuan dan persiapan
bertanding dari masing-masing atlet. adapun gaya straddle dimana ketiga badan melewati mistar
dengan cepat diputar atau dibalikkan, sehingga sikap badan di mistar telengkup.
Lompat yang memakai tongkat,Tiang galah adalah sebuah acara di lapangan atletik
yang menggunakan orang yang panjang, fleksibel sebagai tiang bantuan melompat
ke atas sebuah bar. Tiang jumping kompetisi yang dikenal dengan Yunani kuno,
serta Cretans dan Celt. Sudah penuh medali di event Olimpiade sejak 1896 untuk
laki-laki dan perempuan sejak 2000.
3.Lompat Jauh
akivitas gerakan yg dilakukan di dalam lompatan untuk mencapai lompatan yg
sejauh-sejauhnya. Ukuran Lapangan lompat jauh untuk jarak awalan lari sampai
balok tumpuan 45m, balok tumpuan tebal 10cm, panjang 1,72m, lebar 30cm, bak
lompatan panjang 9m, lebar 2.75m, kedalaman bak lompat ± 1 meter
Gerak lompat jauh merupakan gerakan dari perpaduan antara Kecepatan (speed), Kekuatan (stenght), Kelenturan (flexibility), Daya tahan (endurance), Ketepatan (acuration).
Para peneliti membuktikan bahwa suatu prestasi lompat jauh tergantung pada kecepatan daripada awalan atau ancang-ancang. oleh karenanya di samping memiliki kemampuan sprint yang baik harus didukung juga dengan kemampuan dari tolakan kaki atau tumpuan.
Gerak lompat jauh merupakan gerakan dari perpaduan antara Kecepatan (speed), Kekuatan (stenght), Kelenturan (flexibility), Daya tahan (endurance), Ketepatan (acuration).
Para peneliti membuktikan bahwa suatu prestasi lompat jauh tergantung pada kecepatan daripada awalan atau ancang-ancang. oleh karenanya di samping memiliki kemampuan sprint yang baik harus didukung juga dengan kemampuan dari tolakan kaki atau tumpuan.
Gaya lompatan
dalam Lompat Jauh yang sering diperagakan seperti gaya jongkok, Gaya
Menggantung, Gaya jalan di udara.
3. Loncat
Loncat merupakan cabang olahraga yang menggunakan pendaratan dua
kaki,arah geraknya kedepan,
adalah apapun kontinyu melompat atau melompat. Latihan loncat biasanya
membutuhkan kaki tunggal loncat, double-kaki berlari, atau beberapa variasi
dari dua. Fokus latihan loncat biasanya untuk menghabiskan waktu kurang di
tanah mungkin dan bekerja pada akurasi teknis, fluiditas, dan melompat daya
tahan dan kekuatan.Secara teknis, loncat adalah bagian dari pliometrik, sebagai bentuk latihan
berjalan seperti lutut tinggi dan kicks butt.
Contoh :
Loncar jauh
Macam-macam Lempar
1. Lempar
Lembing yang digunakan terbuat dari logam untuk Putra beratnya 800 gram dengan panjang 2,70 m, sedangkan Putri beratnya 600 gram dengan panjang 2,30 m.
Lembing yang digunakan terbuat dari logam untuk Putra beratnya 800 gram dengan panjang 2,70 m, sedangkan Putri beratnya 600 gram dengan panjang 2,30 m.
2. Lembing
terbuat dari bambu dengan mata lembing terbuat dari logam
a. Untuk
putra panjang 260 cm, berat 800 gr
b. Untuk
putri panjang 200 cm, berat 600 gr
3. Cara
memegang lembing
a. Dipegang
di atas bahu, ujung lembing ke atas
b. Dipegang
di depan dada , ujung lembing ke bawah
c. Dipegang
di belakang, menempel pada tangan yang memegang lembing diluruskan
a. Mempunyai hak melempar 3 kali
b. Melempar
harus dengan 1 tangan
a. Lembing
tidak dipegang pada pembalutnya
b. 2 menit
dipanggil belum melempar
c. Menyentuh
besi batas lemparan sebelah atas
d. keluar
lewat garis sektor lempar setelah melempar
e. Lembing
jatuh di luar garis sektor lempar
f. Ujung
lembing tidak membekas pada tanah
Lempar Cakram
Lempar cakram adalah
salah satu cabang olahraga atletik. Cakram yang dilempar berukuran garis
tengah 220 mm dan berat 2 kg untuk laki-laki, 1 kg untuk perempuan.Lempar
cakram diperlombakan sejak olimpiade I tahun 1896 di Athena, Yunani.
melempar cakram dengan awalan dua kali putaran badan caranya yaitu: memegang
cakram ada 3 cara, berdiri membelakangi arah lemparan, lengan memegang cakram
diayunkan ke belakang kanan diikuti gerakan badan, kaki kanan agak ditekuk,
berat badan sebagian besar ada dikanan, cakram diayunkan ke kiri, kaki kanan
kendor dan tumit diangkat, lemparan cakram 30 derajat lepas dari pegangan,
ayunan cakram jangan mendahului putaran badan, lepasnya cakram diikuti badan
condong kedepan. Latihan dasar menggunakan ring karet atu rotan
1. Diawali dgn sikap tegap
2. langkahkan slah satu kaki sambil mengayunkan ring ke depan
3. lanjutkan ayunan hingga mengelilingi tubuh, jaga agar lengan memegang ring tetap lurus dan berada dibawah ketinggian bahu
4. langkahkan kaki lurus ke depan ( berlawanan dgn arah tangan.ikuti gerakan pinggul dan dada ke depan.kemudian lepaskan ring,ayunkan tangan ke atas dan langkahkan kaki belakang ke depan
1. Diawali dgn sikap tegap
2. langkahkan slah satu kaki sambil mengayunkan ring ke depan
3. lanjutkan ayunan hingga mengelilingi tubuh, jaga agar lengan memegang ring tetap lurus dan berada dibawah ketinggian bahu
4. langkahkan kaki lurus ke depan ( berlawanan dgn arah tangan.ikuti gerakan pinggul dan dada ke depan.kemudian lepaskan ring,ayunkan tangan ke atas dan langkahkan kaki belakang ke depan
memegang cakram
Pegang dgn buku ujung jari2 tangan, ibu jari memegang samping cakram, kemudian pergelangan tangan ditekuk sedikit ke dalam Mengayunkan cakram
Ayunkan cakram dgn ring ke depan dank e belakang di samping tubuh.pada saat mengayunkan cakram,tangan yg memegang cakram direntangkan sampai lurus.jangan sampai lepas
Gerakan lempar cakram
Ada 3 tahap dalam melempar cakram
1. persiapan - berdiri dgn kedua kaki dibuka lebar - pegang cakram dgn tangan kanan.ayunkan sampai di atas bahu sambil memutar badan ke kiri,kemudian ke kanan secara berulang2.saat cakram diayun ke kiri, Bantu tangan kiri dgn cara menyangganya
2. pelaksanaan - ayunkan cakram ke depan lalu ke belakang - pada saat cakram di belakang, putar badan dan ayunkan cakram ke samping-depan-atas (membentuk sudut 40o ) - lepaskan cakram pada saat berada di depan muka
3. penutup - Bantu lemparan dgn kaki kanan agar tercipta suatu tolakan kuat pada tanah sehingga b adan melonjak ke depan-atas - langkahkan kaki kanan ke depan untuk menumpu, sedangkan kaki kiri diangkat rileks untuk menjaga keseimbangan badan
Pegang dgn buku ujung jari2 tangan, ibu jari memegang samping cakram, kemudian pergelangan tangan ditekuk sedikit ke dalam Mengayunkan cakram
Ayunkan cakram dgn ring ke depan dank e belakang di samping tubuh.pada saat mengayunkan cakram,tangan yg memegang cakram direntangkan sampai lurus.jangan sampai lepas
Gerakan lempar cakram
Ada 3 tahap dalam melempar cakram
1. persiapan - berdiri dgn kedua kaki dibuka lebar - pegang cakram dgn tangan kanan.ayunkan sampai di atas bahu sambil memutar badan ke kiri,kemudian ke kanan secara berulang2.saat cakram diayun ke kiri, Bantu tangan kiri dgn cara menyangganya
2. pelaksanaan - ayunkan cakram ke depan lalu ke belakang - pada saat cakram di belakang, putar badan dan ayunkan cakram ke samping-depan-atas (membentuk sudut 40o ) - lepaskan cakram pada saat berada di depan muka
3. penutup - Bantu lemparan dgn kaki kanan agar tercipta suatu tolakan kuat pada tanah sehingga b adan melonjak ke depan-atas - langkahkan kaki kanan ke depan untuk menumpu, sedangkan kaki kiri diangkat rileks untuk menjaga keseimbangan badan
5. Tolak Peluru
Tolak peluru adalah
salah satu cabang olahraga atletik. Atlet
tolak peluru melemparkan bola besi yang berat sejauh mungkin
Tolak Peluru
merupakan suatu aktivitas yg dilakukan utk mencapai lemparan atau tolakan yg
sejauh-jauhnya. Peluru yang digunakan terbuat dari besi berbentuk oval dengan
berat 3kg, 4kg, 5kg, 7kg. dengan ruang lingkaran lebar 5x3 meter. Yang
terpenting dari Tolak peluru adalah peluru harus didorong keluar dengan
kecepatan maksimal, dengan sudut kira-kira 40 derajat. Posisi untuk menolak
harus ditekankan pada kaki. karena kaki adalah bagian yang terkuat dari badan.
Teknik-teknik Tolak peluru
Cara memegang
Peluru harus terletak pada akar jari-jari tangan. Jari pertama, kedua dan ketiga (telunjuk, jari tengah dan kelingking) merupakan titik-titik utama untuk membantu melontar. Jari-jari berdekatan. Jari kelingking dan ibu jari menjaga agar peluru tidak tegeser ke samping. Peluru harus tetap berada di posisi di bawah rahang.
Latihan Yang pertama, gerakan menolak dari lengan. Peluru harus didorong dari tempatnya bertopang di leher. Pada waktu menolak, siku harus setinggi mungkin dan mengikuti terus di belakang peluru, ketika peluru sudah dilepaskan, jangan sekali-kali membiarkan lengan tertujuh dibawah peluru atau terburu-buru ditarik. kedua kaki sejajar berdampingan, menghadap ke arah sasaran lemparan dan jarak antara kaki ini lebih lebar sedikit dai lebar pinggul.Berat peluru:
Teknik-teknik Tolak peluru
Cara memegang
Peluru harus terletak pada akar jari-jari tangan. Jari pertama, kedua dan ketiga (telunjuk, jari tengah dan kelingking) merupakan titik-titik utama untuk membantu melontar. Jari-jari berdekatan. Jari kelingking dan ibu jari menjaga agar peluru tidak tegeser ke samping. Peluru harus tetap berada di posisi di bawah rahang.
Latihan Yang pertama, gerakan menolak dari lengan. Peluru harus didorong dari tempatnya bertopang di leher. Pada waktu menolak, siku harus setinggi mungkin dan mengikuti terus di belakang peluru, ketika peluru sudah dilepaskan, jangan sekali-kali membiarkan lengan tertujuh dibawah peluru atau terburu-buru ditarik. kedua kaki sejajar berdampingan, menghadap ke arah sasaran lemparan dan jarak antara kaki ini lebih lebar sedikit dai lebar pinggul.Berat peluru:
- Untuk senior putra = 7.257 kg
- Untuk senior putri = 4 kg
- Untuk yunior putra = 5 kg
- Untuk yunior putri = 3 kg
penulisan makalh atletik ini saya dapat menyimpulkan :
Atletik merupakan
cabang olahraga yang meliputi lari, lompat dan lempar
merupakan induk dari semua cabang olahraga karena hampir semua gerakan terdapat
dalam atletik
Saturday, 14 March 2015
samsung galaxy s6 review
Choose one word to describe the Samsung
Galaxy S6. Gorgeous. Powerful. Special. Different. Thank you. That will do.
Now, which of these will be true for the Samsung Galaxy S5 and does not start
with a p? Exactly.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 is not the
next big thing. It's "project zero". The reboot. But was there really
anything wrong with the S-line - the standard-setter, the home of the super
droids? OK, design needed looking at for sure. But hey, other brands do
facelifts - Samsung goes for a complete overhaul.
This must've been the message they wanted
to send.
And if it means giving up the memory card
slot, the removable battery and the waterproofing, so be it. That's part of the
message too.
Anyway, the Galaxy S6 was redone from
scratch and bids farewell to plastic. Glass and metal is a critically acclaimed
combination. Another way of saying it is - depending on how upset you are with
the missing card slot and sealed battery - they're copying Apple and Sony.
Alright, memory, battery and waterproofing are easy things to get upset about,
so let's see what the Samsung Galaxy S6 offers in exchange.
The new look is impressive and exciting
and Samsung's trademark AMOLED is the perfect match. It's an immersive
5.1" incher of QHD resolution, for the amazing 577ppi - though
"amazing" doesn't work for Samsung. They'll call it "the best
ever" - and will be right. And that's just the beginning.
For the first time in a couple of
generations, Samsung is relying solely on its own Exynos platform. This seemed
like of nick-of-time decision amid rumors of cooling issues and thermal
throttling plaguing the Snapdragon 810 chipset but the fact is the Exynos 7420
(7 Octa) is simply better. The only reason Qualcomm were in the story at all
was the uncertainty whether Samsung would be ready for mass production with its
own chipset.
Built on a 14nm process, Samsung's chipset
allows similar or higher clockspeeds (hence performance) with less power
consumption, which by the way means it's easier to cool as well. In the end,
the Galaxy S6 is powered by a beastly octa-core processor with four Cortex-A57
cores ticking at 2.1GHz and four Cortex-A53 "efficiency" cores at 1.5GHz.
An octa-core Mali-T760 GPU and 3GB of RAM complete the tally.
Samsung worked on the camera department
too, equipping the Galaxy S6 with a 16MP rear camera with optical image
stabilization and a wide f/1.9 aperture. The 5MP selfie cam also got a f/1.9
aperture for superior low-light capabilities.
The connectivity package is better than
ever with dual-standard wireless charging support out of the box, Samsung Pay,
a better and faster fingerprint scanner and LTE Cat.6 connectivity. Let's get
into the detail, shall we?
Key features
Thin (6.8mm) profile, premium dual-glass design reinforced by a metal frame
5.1" Super AMOLED of QHD (1440 x 2560) resolution, class-leading
~577ppi, Corning Gorilla Glass 4
Exynos 7420 64-bit chipset, octa core processor with four 2.1GHz Cortex-A57's
and four 1.5GHz Cortex-A53 cores, Mali-T760 MP8 GPU, 3GB of RAM
Android 5.0.2 Lollipop with TouchWiz and Samsung Pay
16MP camera, f/1.9 aperture, 4K video recording, LED flash, optical image
5MP front-facing camera, f/1.9 aperture, 1080p video, HDR
32/64/128 GB of built-in storage
Active noise cancellation via dedicated mic
Fingerprint scanner
LTE Cat.6, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n/ac, GPS/GLONASS/Beidou, NFC, IR port, Bluetooth
4.1, ANT+
Heart-rate sensor, barometer, SpO2
Wireless charging (Qi/PMA)
2,550mAh battery
Main disadvantages
No water or dust protection
Rather pricey at launch, including really steep memory upgrade premiums
No user-replaceable battery
No microSD slot
No FM radio
No stereo speakers
Last season, the water and dust protection
was a direct response to Sony's Xperia Z line. The Galaxy S6 gives it up,
defying a natural Samsung instinct to match and beat every feature a potential
rival may have. A Galaxy S6 Active will likely quell some of the
But will there be an S6 version with a
removable battery and one with a microSD card slot? Of course, Samsung will
tell you the Galaxy S6 has the new UFS 2.0 storage, with the "Command
Queue" tech used in SSDs. The end-result is 2.7x faster response than that
memory found in the previous crop of flagships. A microSD card, regardless of
specs, would have compromised the user experience. Plus, the base model starts
at 32GB, the other options being 64GB and 128GB.
So, Samsung gave up features that used to
give them a competitive edge and decided not to necessarily compete for every
spec. Over-confidence or lack thereof? New deal or a knee jerk reaction? There
are so many things to discover about the new Galaxy S6 and we are done teasing.
Unboxing the Galaxy S6
The Samsung Galaxy S6's retail package
only contains the essential accessories. The solid, white box packs a microUSB
cable, a fast-charging-capable A/C adapter and the company's latest set of
headphones. All these are white to match the color of the handset itself.
There is no wireless charging plate -
these are a rare catch in phone bundles (the Lumia 930 is the only one that
comes to mind). Fast chargers are a bit more common but by no means widespread.
The Galaxy S6 has one in the box so you don't have to spend extra.
Samsung Galaxy S6
360-degree view
The Samsung Galaxy S6 has a brand new
design but the same screen size as its predecessor. Keeping the same level of
comfort of handling and portability aside, the 5.1" diagonal allowed them
to get the highest ppi on the market. The lack of enhanced protection and the
new materials employed helped a much thinner profile than the predecessor. The
Galaxy S6 is just 6.8mm thin against the 8.1mm of the Galaxy S5. It's hardly a
coincidence either that it's a fraction of a millimeter slimmer than the iPhone
The overall size of the Galaxy S6 is very
close to the previous generation: 143.4 x 70.5 x 6.8mm, and 8g lighter at 138g.
Not much bigger than the iPhone either considering the difference in screen
Design and build
Samsung went way beyond its comfort zone
to design an entirely new Galaxy species from scratch. And this time around,
saving some money wasn't on the agenda. We don't know if that's the change
everyone was hoping for but the S6 is the sexiest flagship yet.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 body consists of a
brushed metal frame holding together a pair of glass panels. This doesn't even
begin to tell the story. You can read anyone's impressions but you will only
know what it's all about if you get to unbox one.

Plastic is durable while glass cracks and
metal dents. There's more value in a removable battery than premium design. A
memory card slot... All that. The Galaxy S6 will not try and deny the facts. We
call them facts - to the Galaxy S6 they're the predecessors' excuses for not
quite looking their best.
Samsung introduces glass to the Galaxy S
series for the first time - two sheets of Corning Gorilla Glass 4, front and
rear. It's not a combination Samsung invented but we are glad they ditched the
plastic and kept the trademark shape and look.
Arguably it's the easiest way to achieve
the upmarket feel while keeping weight down. Adding to the high-quality appeal,
the body is a mere 6.8mm for a proper balance between handling, appearance and
battery capacity.
Such a sea-change came at a cost and
indeed the Galaxy S6 is losing the removable battery for good. What's odd is
the lack of water and dust protection, which was a key selling feature for the
previous generation Galaxy S5.
There is the camera hump too, which was
just inevitable - Samsung added so much tech and yet trimmed the body down. The
new sensor, lens and optical image stabilization more than make up for it.
Handling the Galaxy S6 is nothing short of
pleasure and it isn't compromised by the dual-glass design. The metal frame and
its flattened sides improve the grip and the glass is not terribly slippery
either - it gets smudged though. Sure, the Galaxy S6 doesn't offer the most
secure grip, but it does get the best out of the combination of materials.
Above the gorgeous 5.1" Super AMOLED
display we find the earpiece, a couple of sensors and the 5MP F/1.9 selfie cam.
The ever-present home key remains a key
point in the interaction with the smartphone and doubles as a fingerprint
scanner. At its sides are the capacitive Task Switcher and Back buttons.
The left side of the Galaxy S6 has the two
metal volume keys, while on the right there are the power/lock key and the
pop-out SIM tray.
The bottom on the Galaxy S6 is pretty
crowded featuring the USB port, a 3.5mm headphone jack, microphone and speaker.
The top is cleaner, with only an IR blaster and a pinhole for a secondary
The back of the phone is where the
slightly protruding 16MP f/1.9 main camera/4K camcorder resides. It features
optical image stabilization, so the expectations for its low light performance
are high. Next to the lens you'll notice the LED flash and the heartrate sensor.
The rear panel is not removable and
doesn't allow access to the 2,550 mAh battery. There is no microSD slot either.
Quad HD display
The display of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is
the highlight feature alongside the new design and chipset. The diagonal
remains unchanged at 5.1", but the resolution got a massive boost to QHD -
2560 x 1440 pixels. This means that despite its ample surface, the Super AMOLED
panel offers a mind-blowing 577ppi.

Samsung has again went for the
diamond-shaped PenTile matrix, although given the sheer number of pixels the
sub-pixel arrangement will hardly affect the perceivable sharpness of the
Here's how the layout looks under a
microscope. The diamond-shaped PenTile uses OLED sub-pixels of different sizes
as each color has different levels of power efficiency and longevity. Sub-pixel
rendering is employed to properly distribute each of the primary colors.

The default screen mode comes to underline
the Super AMOLED panel's key strength, high contrast, by producing overly
saturated colors that make every image look like it's about to pop out of the
frame. Yet if you are a professional that requires the color accuracy or simply
dislike the unrealistic images, the professional photo mode gets colors as true
to life as possible.
The Samsung AMOLED panels have been
improving with each new generation and this latest effort is further proof of
that. Giving you a choice between saturation and accuracy, and comfortably
beating its rivals at either end is an impressive achievement, but with the
inherent AMOLED strengths in the equation, you get arguably the most impressive
screen in the market.
Yep, the practically infinite native
contrast and the low reflectivity that makes sure you enjoy most of it in
brighter environments are still here, alongside the impeccable viewing angles.
There isn't much else one can wish for.
But enough words, let's look at the
numbers. The Samsung Galaxy S6 has a practically unlimited contrast ratio, as
it's capable of displaying black by simply turning off individual pixels -
AMOLEDs light up only the parts of the screen that display a color different
than black.
The Super AMOLED panel on the Galaxy S6
isn't particularly bright, especially compared to some LCDs, but it can go
higher than the Galaxy Note 4.
Display test
50% brightness
100% brightness
Black, cd/m2
White, cd/m2
Contrast ratio
Black, cd/m2
White, cd/m2
Contrast ratio
Samsung Galaxy S6
Samsung Galaxy S5
HTC One (M8)
Apple iPhone 6
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
LG G Flex2
Meizu MX4 Pro
Xiaomi Mi Note
Under direct sunlight, the Galaxy S6 is
retains excellent contrast and stay legible even in the most brightly lit
Sunlight contrast ratio
Nokia 808 PureView4.698
Samsung Galaxy A34.241
Samsung Galaxy S64.124
Samsung Galaxy Note 44.033
Apple iPhone 53.997
Samsung Galaxy Note 33.997
Samsung Galaxy A53.895
Apple iPhone 63.838
Samsung Galaxy mini 21.114
You can find all about our
display testing routines here.
Battery life
The battery life was a bit of a question
mark hanging over the Samsung Galaxy S6, considering the screen resolution has
nearly doubled and the battery capacity was downgraded to 2,550 mAh. It still
sounds like a pretty ample battery, but we were curious how it compares to the
stellar Lollipop endurance of its predecessor.
As it turns out, we were right to be
worried as the Galaxy S6 posted lesser performance on all of our test compared
to the Galaxy S5.
The battery scores aren't that bad and are
in fact higher than average. The S6's battery had enough juice to last 17 and a
half hours on 3G calls, almost 9 hours on non-stop web browsing and 10 and a
half hours on looped video playback. The stand-by endurance is slightly above
average too.
In the end the new flagship managed to
achieve of respectable rating of 64h, which might not be as impressive as the
83h mark of Galaxy S5, but it still means your Galaxy S6 will last at least two
and a half days if you are using it for an hour of calls, web and video
playback each day.

Our testing procedure includes a standby
battery endurance test, which is not shown in the scorecard above, but is a
part of the overall rating. You can learn more about our standardized
routine here.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 is armed to the
teeth in connectivity terms. The mandatory 2G/3G/4G LTE is present with Cat. 6
downlinks thanks to Samsung's latest Exynos 7420 chipset. This gives you download
speeds of up to 300Mbps, with 50Mbps worth of uploads. If you missed it in the
specs section, the Galaxy S6 uses nano-SIM cards.
In terms of local connectivity, there's
dual-band Wi-Fi a/b/g/n/ac, so you can make the best of your home's Internet
connection. DLNA is supported in multimedia apps for sharing content across
compatible devices.
Speaking of, the Galaxy S6 makes it easy
to share the Wi-Fi hotspot info with nearby devices (detected via Bluetooth)
using the Quick Connect feature. This saves you the trouble of typing in the
Wi-Fi password.
Bluetooth has been bumped up to version
4.1. There aren't any easily noticeable changes since 4.0 but, among the more
important ones, Low Energy mode is now supported for connecting to smart
watches and some sport sensors. ANT+ is available for such sensors too, so the
Galaxy S6 will happily talk to whatever sports sensor you have.
NFC is on board for quick pairing and
sharing and there's an IR blaster for controlling home appliances. Samsung's
default app mostly handles your AV setup, but third party apps can be used for
a wider range of devices.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 features a microUSB
2.0 port. It's slower at transferring data than the USB 3.0 port used in a few
Samsung devices, but it has a standard size plug and it offers Quick Charge 2.0
and MHL 3.0. With the right adapter, you get 2160p@30fps output so you can
watch videos you shot with the phone in their full resolution. There's 7.1
surround sound output, if the video player supports it (sadly, the pre-installed
one does not).
Finally, there's a GPS/GLONASS/Beidou
SatNav receiver on board. GPS alone is enough on its own but GLONASS provides
extra precision, especially in dense urban settings as it also uses Russian
satellites. Beidou is currently available only in China and neighboring
regions, but China is an important market for Samsung so it's a nice thing to
have on board.
Samsung Pay is available by default on the
Galaxy S6. The new service works with NFC and a newly developed technology
called MST - Magnetic Secure Transmission. The MST will allow the Galaxy S6
owners to use their phones on most of the existing terminals and merchants
won't need to upgrade their payment solution.
Samsung has acknowledged the mobile wallet
adoption is going very slowly and the company has built-in a new solution to
this problem inside the Galaxy S6 with the MST tech that requires little to no
upgrade from current card readers already installed at retailers.
Samsung Pay has already been certified by
Visa and MasterCard. Samsung is teaming up with key financial institutions
around the world such as American Express, Bank of America, Citi, JPMorgan
Chase, and U.S. Bank, in order to provide more flexible services and coverage.
Samsung Pay is KNOX-secured, which means
the Galaxy S6 users should be getting government-grade protection of their
personal data.
User interface
Samsung Galaxy S6 comes with Android 5.0.2
Lollipop and the latest incarnation of TouchWiz.
Samsung has been on a mission to simplify
its software recently, but there are brand new features too. Most of the new
stuff is now available to the Galaxy S5 as well via the recent update to
Android Lollipop, but there are still features available only on the Galaxy S6.
We've highlighted the exclusive features
in orange throughout the text, so it's easier for you to spot them.
You can have a look at the user interface
in action on the video below:
One thing's for sure, the lockscreen is
quite busy. It shows two notifications, any more get collapsed and you only see
their icons. You can tap the down arrow to see the full list. If an app gets
too pushy, you can hide its notifications from the lockscreen. There is also a
weather information for your location and pedometer stats.
Both a dialer and camera shortcuts are
available, but we prefer the other camera shortcut - double-tap the Home key
from anywhere in the UI and the camera launches within a second.
Private mode returns and this time the
fingerprint reader is much better. After you've trained it, you only need to
place your finger for half a second to activate. It's quite lax when it comes
to finger positions too, no more struggling to swipe just the right way.
Private mode creates a secure folder that
disappears when the mode is disabled. You can have Private mode automatically
disabled every time you lock the phone.
The lockscreen can also use the
fingerprint reader as a locking mechanism. It's quicker and more convenient
than swiping and more secure than simple patterns and PINs too.
A nice feature allows you to hide the
content of the lockscreen notifications or disable them altogether so people
can't snoop on your received messages and emails.
Smart Lock disables the secure locking
options when a trusted device is connected (Bluetooth smartwatch or car stereo
or an NFC sticker) or when the phone is in a trusted location. Unfortunately,
that's determined by geo-positioning only, you can' add a trusted Wi-Fi
We're finally past the
lockscreen and we arrive to see much improved theming support, which the Galaxy
S5 lacks altogether. We only got three preinstalled on the Galaxy S6, but for
the first time, you can download more in the Galaxy Apps store, including an
Avengers theme (Samsung is the supplier of lots of
Avengers movie props). Themes can change the wallpaper and icons,
but also some Samsung apps (dialer, contacts, messages) and the notification
Themes are not just graphical either, a
theme can add new ringtones, notification tones, alarm sounds and more.
The homescreen itself is quite normal. You
get the optional Briefing pane on the left, which pulls info from a selection
of news sources on topics you find interesting. There's an option to change the
screen grid between 4x4, 4x5 and 5x5, the smallest one is the default.
The wallpaper now has a subtle parallax
effect that we didn't notice at first. Then we did and just felt too similar to
the iPhone wallpaper.
The notification area hasn't changed much,
but it has lost the view that shows all quick toggles - neither a second pull
nor a two-finger pull works. You just get one scrollable row of quick toggles,
but now some have text underneath, like the name of the Wi-Fi network you are
connected to.
The brightness slider is below that and
then the S Finder and Quick connect buttons. One cool feature is that while
adjusting the slider, the notification area fades away so you can see the app
you were using before.
None of these elements can be disabled,
but you can rearrange the quick toggles by tapping the Edit button. This screen
shows all quick toggles and you can tap them to enable/disable, but the old way
felt more intuitive.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 comes with a page
and a half of icons in its app drawer, but several folders conceal the actual
number of pre-installed apps. There's a Social folder with Instagram, Facebook
Messenger and WhatsApp and more interestingly the Microsoft folder.
Samsung has partnered with Microsoft so
you get OneDrive (instead of Dropbox), OneNote and Skype out of the box. These
apps cannot be uninstalled, but merely disabled. We'll cover the app package in
more detail later.
Multi Window is now part of the app
switcher. TouchWiz uses the Lollipop-style 3D rolodex of apps, but next to the
X button is a button that opens the app across half the screen. The other half
is filled in with a similar rolodex with only apps that support Multi Window.
Not all work with it, but the three social
networking apps, the two browsers and several other key apps work just fine.
Another way to launch Multi Window is to
long press the App switcher key. If the current app supports Multi Window it
will shrink to half the screen, the other half will be taken up by the icons of
supported apps. If not, you just get the list of apps.
The Setting menu features Quick settings -
a selection of the most used options you can use. Below that is the full list,
though we prefer using the search function as the extensive features that
Samsung has provided can be hard to track down among menus and submenus.
The TouchWiz software on the new Samsung
Galaxy S6 is silky smooth with no slowdowns. TouchWiz gets a lot of hate over
perceived lag, but there is none on the Galaxy S6 and it features smooth
Lollipop-like animated transitions, which makes the experience even better.
samsung Galaxy S6
With the Samsung Galaxy S6 the company
went its own way, meaning it used the in-house Exynos 7420. It's the first
mobile chipset to be built on a 14nm fabrication process (Snapdragon 810 is on
20nm), which should reduce power usage. That in turn reduces the dreaded
thermal throttling that was a major issue in the Exynos vs. Snapdragon debate
The Exynos 7420 and Snapdragon 810 are not
that different in terms of processor, both use a big.LITTLE setup with four
Cortex-A57 cores at 2.1GHz and four Cortex-A53 cores at 1.5GHz. The GPU is a
Mali-T760 from ARM and it shares 3GB of RAM with the processor.
The Galaxy S6 runs a 64-bit version of
Android 5.0.2 and all eight of its cores are 64-bit capable. This is good for
the future, but for now 32-bit apps run just fine - in fact, AnTuTu 5 offered
both options. It returned equal scores in both 32-bit and 64-bit modes,
crushing the Snapdragon opposition (805 for the Nexus 6 and Galaxy Note 4, 810
for the LG G Flex2).
AnTuTu 5
Higher is better
Samsung Galaxy S668896
Motorola Nexus 649803
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop49273
LG G Flex247680
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop45660
Samsung Galaxy S545348
Basemark OS 2.0 tips the scales the other
way and gives the win to the LG G Flex2, with the Galaxy S6 trailing by around
Basemark OS 2.0
Higher is better
LG G Flex21726
Samsung Galaxy S61641
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop1267
Motorola Nexus 61267
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop1176
Samsung Galaxy S51160
Looking at just the CPU performance at
GeekBench 3, we see a massive advantage in multicore performance. The
Snapdragon 810 runs its CPU cores a little slower (0.1GHz), but that's far too
little to account for the difference. Basemark OS 2.0 confirms the multi-core
difference, however, it puts individual core performance as similar to the
Krait 450 cores in the Snapdragon 805.
GeekBench 3
Higher is better
Samsung Galaxy S64916
LG G Flex23604
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop3394
Motorola Nexus 63285
Samsung Galaxy S53120
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop2970
Apple iPhone 62924
Basemark OS 2.0 (single-core)
Higher is better
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop6165
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop5977
Samsung Galaxy S65689
Motorola Nexus 65624
LG G Flex25597
Samsung Galaxy S55557
Basemark OS 2.0 (multi-core)
Higher is better
Samsung Galaxy S625549
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop21841
Motorola Nexus 621026
Samsung Galaxy S519237
LG G Flex218856
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop18386
The Samsung Galaxy S6 has a QHD screen -
1,440 x 2,560px - which is around 80% more pixels than a 1080p screen (like the
LG G Flex2 and Moto X have). Offscreen tests normalize resolution at 1080p so
you can compare raw performance, while on-screen tests predict real-world
gaming performance.
The Mali-T760 is slightly faster in
general than the Adreno 430 found in the curved LG phone and even the beefy
PowerVR GX6450 in the Apple iPhone 6. Playable framerates at full resolution,
however, are no-go for complicated 3D games so we're guessing game makers will
stick to 1080p for now.
Basemark X considers only off-screen
results and predictably gives the win to the Galaxy S6.
GFX 2.7 T-Rex (1080p offscreen)
Higher is better
Samsung Galaxy S649
LG G Flex249
Apple iPhone 642.6
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop40
Motorola Nexus 638.9
Samsung Galaxy S527
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop27
GFX 3.0 Manhattan (1080p offscreen)
Higher is better
Samsung Galaxy S623
LG G Flex222
Motorola Nexus 618.6
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop18
Apple iPhone 617.7
Samsung Galaxy S512
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop12
GFX 2.7 T-Rex (onscreen)
Higher is better
Apple iPhone 651
LG G Flex248
Samsung Galaxy S635
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop29
Samsung Galaxy S528
Motorola Nexus 627.4
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop26
GFX 3.0 Manhattan (onscreen)
Higher is better
Apple iPhone 629.2
LG G Flex222
Samsung Galaxy S616
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop13
Samsung Galaxy S512
Motorola Nexus 611.9
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop11
Basemark X
Higher is better
Samsung Galaxy S622752
Motorola Nexus 620901
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop20043
LG G Flex219360
Apple iPhone 617054
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop12190
Samsung Galaxy S511798
For web browsing performance we used the
Internet app as Samsung sprinkles proprietary optimization magic that's not
available in Chrome or the vanilla Android browser. The Galaxy S6 wins the
JavaScript race in Kraken 1.1 with a slim margin, less than we expected from
the large lead in CPU performance.
For general web browsing BrowserMark 2.1
puts the Samsung flagship on par with Apple's iPhone 6 (and far ahead of the
rest) despite having to render pages at QHD while the iPhone screen is barely
over 720p.
Kraken 1.1
Lower is better
Samsung Galaxy S64323
LG G Flex24621
Apple iPhone 64710
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop5181
Samsung Galaxy S55968
Motorola Nexus 66088
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop6260
BrowserMark 2.1
Higher is better
Apple iPhone 63153
Samsung Galaxy S63146
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop2232
LG G Flex22086
Samsung Galaxy S52066
Motorola Moto X (2014) Lollipop1562
Motorola Nexus 61447
The Samsung Galaxy S6 (and S6 edge for
that matter) is the fastest mobile phone you can have at the moment and with
64-bit support in place this should remain the case for some time to come. The
flagship offers top notch performance for any use case and may not be surpassed
in 2015, looking at just the 5" size (obviously the Note 5 is coming and
should be a bit faster).
Phonebook and
The Samsung Galaxy S6 has a strong
reception and good in-call audio. If you run the Adapt sound feature you it can
tune the call sound when you use a headset. The in-call equalizer for the
phone's earpiece is gone though.
The dialer has a Material Design paintjob.
Smart dialing (searching through contacts by using the keypad) and speed
dialing (assigning a contact to a number on the keypad) are on board. Video
calling is also natively supported, not that many people use it.
Additional tabs in the app show the call
log, favorite contacts and a list of all contacts. You can use the separate
Phonebook app for that.
The Phonebook is a list of contacts with a
search field and an alphabet index. The contact info card has been cleaned up
and shows the contact image (you can swipe down to view it fully), below that
are the phones and emails with quick buttons to call/send message.
Here you'll also find the latest messages
and calls with that contact. The View more toggle displays all the additional
info. You can swipe left to call a contact straight from the list, right to
send them a message.
The built-in call rejection feature lets
you block calls from certain numbers or all numbers not in your phonebook. Do
not disturb mode can be scheduled on select days and during certain periods of
the day. You can set tit to make an exception for certain notifications,
including allowing only calls from your favorite contacts.
Samsung is sticking to a single
loudspeaker with this generation of the Galaxy S flagship, but it has audibly
improved in quality. It's not very loud though, overall a bit quieter than the
Galaxy S5, but it falls under the Average category with similar results as the
dual-speaker HTC One (M8).
Speakerphone test
Voice, dB
Pink noise/ Music, dB
Ringingphone, dB
Overall score
Apple iPhone 5
Below Average
Samsung Galaxy S6
Sony Xperia Z3
Apple iPhone 6
HTC One (M8)
Samsung Galaxy S5
Samsung Galaxy S5 Active
Very Good
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
By default the Messages app has a clean
looking UI, but you can customize font size, backgrounds and speech bubble
style. The app shows a row of priority contacts, below that is the list of all
conversation threads. You can use pinch zoom to change the font size in a
conversation thread.
The Album option collects all photos and
videos shared in the given conversation thread. The Attach button shows the
most recent photos and videos so you can pick them easily, but below that are
additional options for other multimedia.
A built-in spam filter weeds out messages
from select numbers or containing certain phrases. You can also schedule
messages to be automatically sent later (so you don't forget).
The Samsung-modified Email app looks
almost identical. The top row is a shortcut to show emails only from just
priority contacts or you can view a combined inbox if you have multiple
accounts added.
The Gmail app also handles multiple
accounts - even ones not on Gmail - and adheres more strictly to Material
design principles. Add push notifications and we end up using it more often
than the Email app.
The Samsung keyboard features a dedicated
numbers row. You can tweak the size of the keyboard slightly, making it taller
or shorter and if you are okay with a tiny keyboard, you can use the small
floating one. You can add text shortcuts (so 'brb' gets replaced with 'be right
back') and there's predictive text.
It can update its database with popular
words weekly and learn from your messages and contacts. Swiping can be set to
move the text cursor or as an input method.
The latest TouchWiz gallery app draws
inspiration from Apple's iOS and HTC's Sense. The default view shows photos
grouped based on time. Thumbnails are shown on a clean white background and you
can change their size with a pinch zoom.
Events uses time and location to group
photos and automatically create "Video highlights," a slideshow
accompanied with music. You can export that to a video to share on your social
network of choice.
Speaking of, the Gallery app can view your
Picasa online folders but not Facebook.
The Categories view groups multimedia by
type - pictures, videos, slow-mo videos, Virtual shots and so on. The People
category groups photos based on the faces in them. There's also a Documents
category. You can use the Search shortcut to look for photos based on category,
people, time, event, location and so on.
Batch operations are gone, but you can
easily move photos to Private mode (this requires activating the mode). Editing
tools include simple things like Auto adjust, crop and rotate, but you can also
do collages and go into the Photo editor, which is the usual Android editor
with more advanced crop and rotate tools, color adjustment, effects and
dedicated portrait enhancements (slim face, large eyes, you get the idea).
The Share button allows you to send a
photo to a device over DLNA, to a TV using screen mirroring or to a wireless
printer. Samsung also has a special feature to send profile photos and
high-resolution images to your contacts as a sort of mini social network. For
non-Samsung devices, recipients get a link over text message, the link expires
after a certain period.
Music player
Samsung's TouchWiz music player was one of
the most feature-rich apps, but the company has done some work to trim the fat.
The app looks very clean now, essentially it has just two screens.
One lets you browse tracks and playlists,
with a dropdown menu to switch between views including Folder view. The Music
square is gone. The other screen is the Now playing with album art and a few
playback controls. You can transfer playback to a Bluetooth or a DLNA device.
SoundAlive has gotten rid of the square
view too, now it has two dials - one changes the balance between bass and
treble, the other between instrumental and vocals. You can tap the Details
button for a manual 7-band equalizer. Audiophiles should know 16-bit and 24-bit
FLAC audio works out of the box.
Adapt Sound is available to automatically
tune the equalizer based on your headphones and your hearing. Additional
options include SoundAlive+ (creates a surround sound effect) and Tube Amp.
There's also Smart volume to balance the volume between tracks and playback
speed if you want to slow down or speed up the playback (useful for audio books
we guess).
Video player
The video player has been simplified too
and the DLNA view is gone. You can still send video files to DLNA players or
use screen mirroring. Alternative you can beam just the audio over Bluetooth,
the Play audio only option is useful for music videos - playback continues,
while you use the phone as normal.
The video player supports all kinds of
video file types and codecs, up to 4K 2160p encoded with the new H.265/HEVC
codec. As usual multi-channel audio (AC-3, DTS) is not supported. Pop up mode
puts the video in a small floating window so you can keep watching while using
the phone.
There are extensive subtitle settings with
adjustable font and text size, text color, edge and background. Multiple
presets are available and you can make your own.
There are built-in video editing options
including trimming, video color effects and adding background music (with
sliders to control the audio volume from both the video and the background
music). A more advanced video editor can be downloaded. It can assemble
multiple videos and audio tracks together.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 audio output is easily
among the cleanest we have seen a smartphone produce. Posting excellent scores
top to bottom in the first part of our test, the Samsung flagship barely let
its stereo crosstalk spike in the second one. In fact the stereo quality with
headphones is the best in the class as you can see from the result table below.
Overall this is some of the most accurate
audio reproduction you can find on the market and one that should be good
enough for even the most demanding audiophiles.
On the other hand volume levels, while
good, are not quite among the best we've encountered. The Samsung Galaxy S6 is
still going to be loud enough for the majority of users, but the HTC lineup
holds a lead in that department.
Galaxy S6
Galaxy S6 (headphones)
Galaxy S5
Galaxy S5 (headphones)
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 (headphones attached)
Xperia Z3
Sony Xperia
Z3 (headphones attached)
(M8) (headphones attached)

Samsung Galaxy S6 response
You can learn more about the tested
parameters and the whole testing process here.
Still camera
The camera on the Samsung Galaxy S6
borrows the 16MP Sony IMX240 sensor that the Galaxy Note 4 uses, but puts it
behind a lens with a wider, f/1.9 aperture. This lets more light in and makes
for much improved bokeh effects. The camera software is highly sophisticated

One of our favorite features is the quick
launch - double tap the Home key from anywhere in the UI and the camera pops up
in less than a second.
The UI is pretty simple, most settings are
available on the viewfinder. The selection changes as you go between the
different shooting modes. You can download new shooting modes, but currently
only Sports shot is available.
The mode that deserves
the most attention is Pro mode. It lets you control the focus manually, adjust
exposure compensation and ISO, white balance too. You can save the current
manual settings into a preset for easy recall later.
The color adjustments are very advanced -
you get several presets (like color effects), but you can make your own. There
are sliders to boost shadows and reign in highlights, adjust the contrast and
saturation, the temperature and tint. With these you can create Instagram-y
filters or make the best of the camera's dynamic range.
Casual users can just let tap on the HDR
icon in Auto mode. There's an auto HDR option so you don't have to turn it on
and off each time.
There's also an automatic night mode that
fights handshake in the dark. Several color effects are available with a few
more in the download section.
Tracking autofocus automatically follows
moving subjects, making sure they stay in focus. This can't be used in for
2160p video though.
Selective focus makes a comeback - it
snaps two photos and then lets you chose near focus, far focus or everything in
focus. The Galaxy S6 camera is quite good at macro shots and creates a great
soft focus on its own, so with some experience you don't need this software
The software guesswork is not particularly
accurate, so we tried some macro shots. The wide f/1.9 aperture creates a great
lens bokeh in macro shots to begin with. The Selective focus mode lets you
soften the background even further, but the quality doesn't do the camera
Virtual shot has been redefined. It now
lets you pick an object and rotate the phone around it. After, the phone can
use its motion sensors to replay the object, rotating it along with the phone
as if it's still in front of the camera.
Samsung improved the optics since the
Galaxy Note 4, but also the image processing. As a result the Samsung Galaxy S6
photos are impressively sharp. Noise is kept in check, while processing
artifacts from noise reduction are hard to spot, foliage in particular looks
great. Software sharpening is moderate too, Samsung has been known to dial it
up in the past.
White balance is spot on even in tricky
conditions and the color saturation has been brought down from the already
toned down setting in the 2014 generation. In Pro mode you can bring up the
shadows and reign in bright areas of the image, but the automatic mode does a
solid job too.
The dynamic range is quite wide and you
can improve it further with HDR mode. It's very fast so you can just leave it
on auto without slowing down the shot to shot time. The HDR mode has a light
touch, brightening shadows and recovering highlights, but the changes might be
too small for some.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 shoots panoramas
with very high resolution - 3,200px tall if you hold the phone upright, 1,800px
if you hold it on its side. The software and fast chipset make shooting very
simple, you just start panning in one direction.
The resulting images are rich in detail
and aside from the moving cars and the ledge that was too close, there are no
major stitching artifacts.
The selfie camera can also take HDR photos
(good when the sun is at your back) and can do Virtual shot. The wide selfie
mode works kind of like a panorama - it stitches three photos for a wider field
of view. You get instructions (e.g. tilt phone forward) to keep you on track.
The 5MP selfie camera is of pretty good
quality and captures photos with plenty of detail and little noise. Color
rendering is comparable to the main camera, slightly less saturated. It's a 4:3
camera though, unlike the 16:9 main camera.
You can enable Wide selfie to make a photo
more suitable for widescreens. The stitching is as good as panoramas shot with
the main camera.
Finally, Interval shot is a like a photo
booth, snapping four shots with a few seconds between each.
Here's the Samsung Galaxy S6 in our Photo
quality comparison tool, where you can pit it against its predecessor , the
Galaxy S5, and the 20.7MP shooter of the Sony Xperia Z3.
Video camera
There's no dedicated video mode because
most settings work for videos too. Even Pro mode, though you can't adjust the
settings during recording and the autofocus will override your setting as soon
as the video starts.
Anyway, the Samsung Galaxy S6 tops out at
2160p resolution, but it can also do 1080p at both 30fps and 60fps and 720p
video at up to 120fps (that's handled by the Slow Motion mode). The front
camera shoots only at 30fps, but goes over 1080p - it maxes out at QHD video to
match the phone's screen.
HDR and color effects are available for
video, though 2160p disables them, taking pictures while shooting video, the
tracking autofocus and the additional software stabilization.
The 2160p videos are shot at the usual
48Mpbs total bitrate, all videos from the Galaxy S6 have 256Kbps/48kHz audio.
The videos nail 30fps and a still frame has a good enough quality to pass for
an 8MP photo. The videos are sharp, have practically no noise and accurate
colors, good dynamic range too.
Moving on to 1080p at 30fps, we drop to
17Mbps bitrate. The quality remains high and there's as much detail as possible
at this resolution. There's HDR mode at this resolution, which brings in more
detail in the shadows and improves the highlights. Again, it's a slight effect.
We're not done with 1080p, the Galaxy S6
can go up to 60fps. This takes up more storage (28Mbps bitrate) and causes a
slight drop in sharpness, but it's worth it for the smoother motion. 30fps has
inherent limitations when shooting fast-moving objects and while 4K UHD TVs are
still fairly rare (but quickly growing in popularity), practically all TVs can
handle 60fps.
Finally, in Slow motion mode the camera
goes back up to 48Mbps but is now shooting 720p @ 120fps. Videos are actually
recorded at 120fps, but you can edit them on the phone - trim beginning and end
and choose between half, quarter and eighth playback speed. Here's how it looks
when we drop to 30fps (playing at a quarter of real time speed).
As usual you can check the untouched 2160p@30fps
video sample, 1080p@60fps
video and a1080p@30fps
video sample straight off the device.
If you want to compare still frames from
the videos, our Video quality comparison tool makes that easy. Here's how the
Samsung Galaxy S6 compares against other 2160p shooters.
And here's another similar comparison, but
this time for the 1080p video.
Browser and Chrome
The Internet app is the Android browser
modified by Samsung. It supports multiple tabs (including incognito ones) and
if you sign into your Samsung account, it will sync open tabs and bookmarks
with other devices on that account.
A cool features lets you use your
fingerprints to sign into web sites. The first time you enter username and
password as normal and then select the option to remember the login using
fingerprints. Then when the website asks for a login the phone will prompt you
to put your finger on the Home key and a second later the info is filled in and
submitted. We found that this doesn't work with all types of login pages, but
it should work on most.
Chrome comes on all Androids as part of
the Play Services package. It can sync tabs too (based on your Google account)
and has the data-saving option of compressing pages before they are sent to the
device. It will even automatically detect foreign language sites and offer to
translate them.
Both the Internet app and Chrome support
Multi Window.
Other preinstalled
Samsung has partnered with Microsoft and
offers three preinstalled apps (that you can't uninstall either). There's
OneDrive to handle cloud-syncing needs (including photo backup). You get a free
100GB with your phone. There's also OneNote for a more advanced note taking and
syncing experience than the Memo app offers and finally Skype.
There are also WhatsApp, Instagram and
Facebook Messenger and no ChatOn. Samsung has eased off on doing everything
itself and with three apps has covered the majority of social networking users.
Not that you can't install those apps yourself, but it sends a message that the
Galaxy S6 is a phone for the hundreds of millions that use those apps.
Smart Manager shows even more
collaboration and is a one-stop shop for maintenance of your device. It's
divided into four parts. Battery shows estimated battery life remaining/time
until charged and will warn you of abnormal battery usage. The Power saving and
Ultra power saving modes can be activated from here.
The Storage section leans on Clean Master
to free up some storage by deleting unnecessary files. RAM closes running apps
to free up RAM. Other than misbehaving apps, we can't think of a reason to
manually close apps on a 3GB device.
The fourth section is
Device security. It offers My KNOX, which create separate working spaces for
personal and work apps (think BlackBerry's Balance). KNOX Active Protection
promises to safeguard you against hacks - it's disabled by default for casual
users and enabled for enterprise users.
It slows down performance a bit and adds 1
second to the boot time. What you get is verification that the system apps
haven't been tampered with and real-time kernel protection to avoid
unauthorized access from apps to the core of the operating system. There's also
a McAfee-powered malware scanner on board.
S Health has been polished. It can sync
your health data with your Samsung Account (optionally via Wi-Fi only). The new
UI uses simple cards that count your steps, offer to measure your heart rate,
track what you eat and drink, your sleep and various exercises.
The phone has the hardware to do spot
measurements of your heart rate and blood oxygen saturation and estimate
stress. You can add external sensors for continuous tracking. The app comes
with three built-in programs that will train you, building up to a 10K run.
It's not all about exercise, S Health can help you eat healthier or make sure
you get proper rest.
The Voice recorder app has Interview mode,
which uses the mic array to suppress sounds from the sides. You can also mute
one side of the conversation so only the answers of your interviewee are
audible. The other mode is Voice memo, which automatically transcribes the note
into text.
The Peel Smart Remote app uses the IR
blaster on the top of the Samsung Galaxy S6 to control your TV and media setup.
It also doubles as a TV Guide so you can see what's on, flip directly to that
channel or set a reminder if it airs later. The app can handle TVs, disc
players, AV receivers, streaming boxes (Apple TV and Roku) as well as air
S Planner is the familiar Samsung
replacement for the Google calendar. It defaults to a Month and agenda view,
and has a clean Material Design interface. You can add a 7-day weather forecast
and multiple calendars.
The My Files app is the built-in file
browser. It's beginner friendly with its Category view (e.g. view all photos),
but you can browse the whole internal storage). The app also integrates Google
Drive so you can seamlessly handle files in the Google cloud.
S Voice is still on board, even though it
had to relinquish its traditional shortcut. It can handle a wide variety of
voice commands - call or text someone, take down memos and calendar notes,
check the weather or read the news, answer spoken questions and so on.
The app has no UI, it just needs an
initial training (you say an activation phrase four times). Then from anywhere
in the UI you speak the phrase and your command, all you'll see is a small
graphical equalizer at the bottom of the screen as you speak. Google Now can do
plenty of these things (even if it's not as conversational).
If you are not sure what to think and how
to feel about the Samsung Galaxy S6, you came to the right place. We'll do it
for you. Here's the deal. You're free to feel any way you like. Impressed.
Upset. Confused? Sounds familiar.

We've come to take it for granted that
every new Galaxy S generation will add new features and beef up specs. The
Galaxy S6 takes away. It's been encoded in Samsung's DNA to try and beat every
spec of any rival. The Galaxy S6 omits the very features that, presumably, kept
Samsung at the top.
Is this their way of saying we'll beat you
even with one arm tied behind our back? We didn't become the market leader
because the competition was stupid enough to not care about memory expansion
and removable batteries.
Who knows, they may be this arrogant. Or
maybe the Galaxy S6 is trying to say that the S-line can change and still be
better than most.
But can it be the best Galaxy S smartphone
yet without a memory card slot, removable battery and water-proofing? The best
screen and chipset in business might as well help.
Key test findings
Excellent build quality, premium finish, very good grip, size easily
Best in-class Quad HD Super AMOLED display with the highest pixel-per-inch
density to date. Its contrast ratio, viewing angles, and sunlight legibility
are all chart-toppers.
Battery life is above average but turned out noticeably worse than the S5.
TouchWiz has gotten leaner and more customizable (theme downloads), less
features, but also less clutter
Excellent overall performance, probably the fastest Android smartphone
The loudspeaker is average in loudness and quieter than the Galaxy S5
Excellent multimedia package out of the box
Solid audio quality
16MP main camera is among the best in terms of resolved detail, noise and
sharpness, as well as features, but our test charts show that the Galaxy Note 4
is still ever so slightly better
Video quality is excellent both in 2160p and 1080p resolution, but again,
the Galaxy Note 4 video feed is marginally sharper
Last couple of seasons, the Galaxy S to
get was the one powered by a Snapdragon chipset. The Galaxy S6 leaves nothing
to chance... and goes all out with Exynos. The 14nm Octa 7 is quite a feat and
the Qualcomm's Snapdragon 820 is months away at best.
Samsung has always insisted on the best
available hardware for the Galaxy S-line and that's one thing that hopefully
will never change. The QHD AMOLED screen and the Exynos 7420 chip are
Samsung-made components, the 16MP sensor with optical image stabilization
courtesy of Sony.
Wireless charging support right out of the
box, LTE Cat.6, a much improved fingerprint scanner and heart-rate monitor
round of a proper flagship package. The simplified and polished TouchWiz adds
better theming support to the familiar solid multi-tasking features. The Galaxy
S6 comes with 32, 64 or 128 GB of the super-fast UFC 2.0 storage and 3GB of new
generation LPDDR4 RAM. You will be also getting 115GB of OneDrive storage out
of the box, which is great. Other Microsoft goodies are OneNote and Skype.
The bad? Well, no memory expansion and no
access to the battery are big no's in our book and that won't change overnight.
The lack of water-proofing isn't a deal-breaker, but even if it was, Samsung
would kindly point you to the Galaxy S6 Active,
which is just around the corner.
Very few real competitors offer a
user-replaceable battery. Expandable memory is a different story - probably the
biggest risk the Galaxy S6 is undertaking. If that steers more customers to the
Note 4 though we don't think Samsung will mind.
The Snapdragon 805-powered Galaxy Note 4
also offers a Quad HD Super AMOLED screen, just bigger. It has the same camera
sensor but the old-gen fingerprint scanner. The S-Pen and its dedicated apps
are hard to say no to at about €150 less than the expected launch price of the
Galaxy S6.
That said, the Galaxy S6 Edge is probably
the toughest in-house competitor - if you're on an unlimited budget. That
curved display makes an already premium phone absolutely unique and we
understand those who think it should've been the one and only flagship. Yep,
we've seen it and if it doesn't help you get over the missing card slot we
don't know what will. It's an extra €150 for the double-edged screen, take it
or leave it.
The HTC One M9 is the only flagship by a
major manufacturer that debuted right along the Galaxy S6 - and may even beat
it to market. It's stuck at a 1080p screen - but the probable upside is faster
performance by the S810 chip. It has the familiar all-metal unibody, graced
with BoomSound speakers and the camera sounds quite promising on paper. It
omits a fingerprint scanner but has expandable memory and costs about the same
as the Galaxy S6, which we don't think is doing the M9 any favors.
The LG G Flex2 with its curved P-OLED
1080p display, self-healing rear cover and Snapdragon 810 chip is worth
checking out, especially considering it costs less than the Galaxy S6. The
unique design is complemented by a capable OIS 13MP camera and although the
curved body rules out a removable battery, a microSD card slot is available.
Finally, Apple. The most likely rival to
push Samsung out of their comfort zone. The one to prove a point to. The one
that does not compete for specs and benchmarks - and therefore the one that's
hardest to beat. The Galaxy S6 is a couple of generations ahead in the numbers
game but clearly learning from Apple in terms of design. So much so that if it
wasn't for the Edge, Samsung would've had trouble responding to allegations of
copying this time around.
Anyway, another pair of flagships will
make things even more interesting. The Sony Xperia Z4 and the LG G4 will
eventually challenge the Samsung Galaxy S6 for the Android top spot. Sounds
just like last season. But it's different. It almost looks like Samsung are
breaking their own rules just to make it more exciting. Wrong. They darn sure
want to win a
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